Photo courtesy of Diane Poole.
Trussville Rotary Daybreak Club inducted new officers at its June 28 meeting.
The Trussville Rotary Daybreak Club recently recognized many notable events over the last year under the leadership of Club President Jamie Townes. Townes’s term as president ended June 28, and the gavel was passed to incoming President Kristi Bradford.
Among the accomplishments for the club over the last year:
- Made it “personal,” with several members recording “What's Your Why” videos for the club's Facebook page
- Worked to highlight its members serving in non-Rotary events
- Socials were hosted at Christmas, at the Rotary Clock dedication and at a Barons baseball game
- Institution of a new member process
- Laid the groundwork for an international grant
- Started a vocational scholarship program
- Started a grant to support Leadership HT projects
- Did four in-meeting service projects
- Did eight community service projects
- Held a toy drive for the Trussville Fire Department
- Speakers’ program was scheduled at least four months in advance and included a variety of speakers and interests
- Initiated a quarterly Spirit of Service Awards
Leadership Trussville’s Executive Director Kristi Bradford will serve as President of the for the 2023-24 year.
Bradford has been a member of the club since June 2020. She was a featured speaker at a club meeting just a few months before and, after seeing how active the club was and how close the members were, she knew she wanted to be involved.
“I realized it was the people who drew me into this club,” she said. “With every meeting I attended, the cohesiveness, sense of caring for one another and dedication to community beyond these walls were what kept me coming.”
Bradford thanked outgoing President Jamie Townes for her service as president.
“Thank you, Jamie, for an active year, filled with so many things that fortified us as a club: solidifying our bylaws, charting a strategic plan, getting our foundation back on track after a three-year hiatus, and you found a way to make all of us Paul Harris fellows,” Bradford said.
The club also inducted its officers, directors and committee chairs for the 2023-24 year.
Josh Wooten of Cory Watson Investigators is president-elect; Brad Wideman of Brookwood Baptist Medical Center is president-elect-nominee; Jamie Townes of EIB Systems is past president; Sandra Vernon of Trussville City Schools is secretary; and Jeremy Tuggle of Bryant Bank is treasurer.
Directors for the coming year, in addition to the above-named officers, are: Van Horne (retired); Renee LeCroy (Atlanta Flooring); Diane Poole (Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce); and Alan Taylor (First Baptist Church Trussville).
Committee chairs named for the coming year are: Golf Fundraising, Josh Wooten; Trivia Fundraising, Clarissa Winchester (Cruise Planners); Social Events, Bonnie Hicks (ReMax Southern Homes 280) and Brian Fisher (Community Bank); Membership, Renee LeCroy (Atlanta Flooring); Scholarships, Jimmy Burns (Wells Fargo Investments); Community Service, David Como (First Bank Mortgage); International Service, Marty Adams (Innovative Financial Services); Club Foundation Chair, Josh Wooten; Student/Youth Services, Fran Aldridge (Keller Williams Realty); Programs, Brad Wideman (Brookwood Hospital) and Adam Seal (Petra RMS); Club Grants, John Griscom (retired); Sergeant-at-Arms, Alan Taylor (First Baptist Trussville); Rotary Youth Leadership Awards, Linda Burns; Club History, Van Horne and John Griscom; Volunteers, Derek Rios; and Public Image, Diane Poole.
– Submitted by Diane Poole.