Sean Dietrich



I am an imaginary old man. I am every World War II veteran you never knew. I am each faceless GI from the bygone European War. Or any other war, for that matter. Read more

Sean Dietrich

The things I could write about pound cake. I could go on and on and bore you to death, but I won’t. Read more

Sean Dietrich

I’d like to make my mama proud. That’s one of my main goals in this world. If I’ve made her proud, well, then I’ve really done something. Read more

Sean Dietrich

It’s raining in central Alabama. I am on my porch, barefoot, watching the rainfall, hypnotized by the sound. Read more

Sean Dietrich

I was 11. I was invited to try out for the Christmas community choir. A lady visited our church to conduct the auditions. Read more

Sean Dietrich