Meet TCS Network Administrator Matt Kinsley


Photo courtesy of Trussville City Schools.

Matt Kinsley joined the Trussville City Schools Technology Department during the summer of 2021. His responsibilities are vast and vital. Without his expertise, day-to-day teaching and learning would look very different. Maintaining a large network in this high-tech era requires a wide array of skills and talents, including a dynamic personality and sharp interpersonal communication skills.

Q: What is your job title and what are your general day-to-day duties?

A: I am a network administrator. I monitor the network, so things like making sure that the Wi-Fi is functional and user experience is uninterrupted. I monitor traffic on the network looking for any suspicious or malicious traffic and set policies to mitigate security risks. Lastly, a large component of the position is ensuring communication is available building-to-building so that teachers and staff are able to access their files/applications as needed.

Q: What was attractive to you about this position at TCS? 

A: What interested me the most in the opportunity to join TCS was becoming a part of and working within this community. My wife and I relocated to Alabama from New York in 2020 and have felt the most at home here in Trussville. In addition, coming from a position where I was solely responsible for all IT aspects, it was nice to join a team environment that you could brainstorm and bounce things off of.

Q: What have been some of your biggest takeaways so far regarding this new role?

A: When a WORF [work order release form] comes in, get on it!

Q: For someone seeking this line of work in which you’re in, what advice would you give them? 

A: Learn … and don’t stop learning! Technology is constantly evolving, and new solutions to new problems emerge all the time. I try to spend at least an hour a day on Udemy, YouTube or doing some type of research to enhance my knowledge in areas I know I’m weak in.

Q: Outside of work, tell us a little bit about yourself.

A: My wife and I have a little boy, Charlie, who just turned a year old. I love to participate in all sports and watch a few. I’m also a huge Michigan Wolverines fan and have a Zaxby’s salad almost every day for lunch.

– Submitted by Trussville City Schools.

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