TDMA continues to build


Photo by Karim Shamsi-Basha.

Photo by Karim Shamsi-Basha.

Twenty individuals gathered in December 2015 with a vision to create a network of support specifically dedicated to local merchants. Now known officially as the Trussville Downtown Merchants Association, membership has more than quadrupled in just over three years. 

“Our vision was to support and improve the Trussville downtown business district by promoting the area through events, marketing and stakeholders,” said Greg Carroll, owner of Carroll Pharmacy. Carroll is past president of the TDMA and one of the original members. 

Efforts to draw people into the downtown area have grown from one event in August 2016 to five. Now branded collectively as Second Saturdays, the events are offered throughout the summer months. 

 “The TDMA has definitely raised the profile of local businesses in the downtown area. It’s helped people know that we’re here and that we have a thriving downtown business district,” said Amanda Short, who opened Trussville To Go delivery service with her husband Ben in July 2018.

She added, “I hear people talk about downtown Homewood, downtown Mountain Brook and Crestline Village. And we have all of these thriving businesses in downtown Trussville and people don’t know that we’re here.”

With over 15 years’ experience as owner of Trussville Antiques & Interiors, Sandra Malchus’ business was well established before joining the TDMA as a charter member. However, Malchus echoed Short about the organization’s support in educating the community about her changing business. 

“We’re an old nursing home that was turned into an antique mall, but we’ve really evolved. We carry new furniture now, like Magnolia Home Furniture and a lot of newer brands, in addition to painted furniture and antiques. A lot of people don’t know that. So, the Merchants Association has helped us to reach a lot of new demographics to let them know what we do,” Malchus said.

 “When I moved down here, I took it for granted that everyone knew what these businesses were around here. I would give them The Straw Hat or something as a mark on how to get to me and I was very surprised that so many people don’t know a lot about the downtown stores. That has really changed since we’ve had the Downtown Merchants organization,” said Debra McCarley, TDMA charter member and owner of DeDe’s Book Rack.

McCarley added, “Since we’ve had the events and fun things that we do, it’s made people aware of all of the small business in the area.”

Carroll said attendance at the events has been vital to helping the TDMA reach their goal of supporting local business owners. “The overall activity seems to be strong as far as people getting out and spending money in the community, which is exciting. I don’t shop 100% local, but I try to make that my first decision if at all possible,” he said.

 “The more local you can spend your money, the more money stays in your community. That’s the main reason I wanted to be a part of the organization — to do things to educate the community, entice the community and grow businesses in downtown Trussville,” he said. “To keep more of our money in the community for growth and development, roads and transportation, schools. All the things that are funded by our local economy that wouldn’t be funded if we all shopped mail-order or online.”

The group also supports nonprofits in Trussville. “Since our inception, we’ve partnered with two local charitable entities, Independence Place and TEAM food bank. Last year, we presented a check to Independence Place for $2,000 from funds raised through our ‘Trussville Gives Back’ Second Saturday event in July. And we collect food for the food bank at different events throughout the year,” Carroll said. 

Annual membership with the Trussville Downtown Merchants Association begins at $25 for individuals, $50 for nonprofits and $150 for independent merchants. Membership for local representation of franchises are also available. 

“We’re excited for everyone to get involved. We’re 100% volunteer, so it’s just people that love Trussville,” Carroll said. 

To learn how you can support Trussville’s local merchants, follow@TrussvilleDowntown on Facebook and Instagram, email or visit the hospitality booth at one of the Second Saturday events.

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