Jared Meads, principal of Hewitt-Trussville Middle School stands inside the school.
Jared Meads has been the principal of Hewitt-Trussville Middle School since 2023.
Q: What inspired you to work in the education industry?
A: I just fell in love with working with kids. I think I had several teachers that were a huge part in that [and] just had a huge impact on me. It just was a calling for me, and something I was passionate about doing.
Q: What is something great about your school?
A: I think our staff would tell you our number one job — and I think that we stress our number one goal every day when we come in here — is to develop good young people. I tell them all the time our job is to develop good humans. Everything else will take care of itself.
Q: Tell us something about you that people might not know.
A: I’m pretty active outside of school. I can't sit still very much. Even at home, I'm typically trying to fix things or do things around my house. I really like the outdoors. I'm a big hunting guy. I like playing golf.